Profile PictureWilda.Nubia Previl

Mercury Money

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Mercury Money


Our communication, verbal or non, is governed by the planet Mercury. How we think, process, and even our style of writing is all linked to the messenger planet. It's no wonder as often as it retrograde, it gives us time to pause and reflect, revisit, and reassess its messages to find clarity moving forward. 

Mercury also rules commerce, trade, merchant, and information. 

As an entrepreneur, getting familiar with Mercury's motions is a powerful way of timing sales, communicating with your audience, and collaborating with potential partners. 

In this lab, you'll learn:

• how to track mercury cycles for business success • • how Mercury’s cycles apply to your business

• how to create content creation, how mercury rx cycles help us refine our language

Astrology is so powerful, even your favorite celebrities, influencers, and brands use them.

JP Morgan Chase, the global financier, was once quoted saying "Millionaires don't need astrology but billionaires do"

Christian Dior reportedly ALWAYS traveled with Madame Delahanye, his astrologer and would not start a venture or project without her guidance.

Drake, yes, THEE Drake, is even into astrology. The CERTIFIED LOVER BOY announced his listening party at 2AM because it coincided with a planetary alignment that would get him more attention.

British singer Adele released her album on November 19th. Know what else is happening that day?

A Taurus eclipse.

Adele is a Taurus

What's even more cool is that she named her album 30. Wanna know why? She's having something called a Saturn return - a planetary even that coincides with ones 30th birth and brings in the overwhelming urge to grow up, get married, have babies, or even settle into a career.

If astrology isn't real, why do your favorite influencers use it?

Did you know that as many as 70 million Americans read their horoscopes daily?! 🤯 In a recent study, the General Social Survey found that 34 percent of Americans surveyed consider astrology to be "very" or at least "sort of scientific". 😏

Mercury retrogrades at least thrice a year - it is the most retrograded planet in our solar system. 

Have you ever been warned not to make any decisions this week because Mercury is in retrograde? Or perhaps you heard a friend blame a misunderstanding with their partner on the retrograde motion of our planetary neighbor? Maybe you have had a string of unusually bad luck—your car breaks down, a package gets lost in the mail, your wallet gets stolen, and then you see the shirt you just bought go on sale the very next day—and you’ve thought, ‘surely the universe is out to get me this week!’
Mercury often gets a bad rap. It is not the cool kid. Mercury is notably known for its antics, tricks, and wobbly motion as it dances around the sun. 

While it may not be the one you invite to the party, Mercury is the one that writes the invites. 

In this course, you will learn: 

How to use Mercury's movement to transform your sales and communication 

How to best use Mercury's movement in each zodiac sign throughout the year 

How to find YOUR specific "Power Periods" to gain clarity, insight in your business 

How to find your Mercury sign to discover your writing style for copy, sales pages, posts

Mercury doesn't have to be the bad guy but learning how to use it can set you apart in business, setting you up for success. Remember... pretty websites and polished posts don't sell things - words do! 

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4 part video ecourse including how to pull your birth chart to find your Mercury sign to tap into your style of writing, speech, and networking styles!

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